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New Mexico Newspapers on Microfilm at the State Library: Misc. Reels


Miscellaneous Roll #1

(Espanola) Le Voz Del Rio Grande: 9/10/1926; 9/16/1932 (Miscellaneous Roll #2; 10/21/1932 to 3/11/1938)

(Santa Rosa) La Voz Publica: 6/1/1917 to 11/15/1918 (Miscellaneous Roll #11; 11/22/1918 to 12/26/1919)

(Tierra Amarilla) La Opinion de Rio Arriba: 11/28/1935 to 5/4/1939

(Santa Rosa) La Voz Publica6/1/1917 to 11/15/1918, (Miscellaneous Roll #11; 11/22/1918 to 12/26/1919)

(Taos) La Opinion de Rio Arriba: 11/28/1935 to 5/4/1939

Miscellaneous Roll #2

(Espanola) Le Voz Del Rio Grande: 10/21/1932 to 3/11/1938 (Misc. Roll #1 9/10/1926; 9/16/1932)

Miscellaneous Roll #3

(Penitentiary of New Mexico, Santa Fe) El Boletin: 11/1945 to 6/1947

(Santa Fe) Cactus: 12/4/1916 to 12/12/1916

(Mills) Developer: 1/4/1918 to 1/14/1921, (Miscellaneous Roll #10; 5/6/1921 to 5/27/1921) 

Miscellaneous Roll #4

(Cloudcroft) Weekly Cloudcrofter: 1/20/1917 

(Folsom) Actual Settler: 5/20/1899

(Las Cruces) Rio Grande Republican: 5/21/1881 to 5/19/1883; 1/1901 to 12/20/1923; 9/24/1881; 8/19/1882; 11/11/1882; 10/27/1883 to 12/15/1883; 2/16/1884 to 9/9/1884; 11/22/1884; 4/25/1885

(Mesilla) News: 2/21/1874 to 2/9/1884 (incomplete);  9/24/1881 to 10/1/1881; 8/19/1882; 9/25/1882 to 10/7/1882; 8/4/1883; 10/6/1883; 10/20/1883

(Santa Fe) El Boletin Popular: 3/31/1920; 6/30/1920

(Santa Fe) State Record: 10/2/1914; 1/29/1915; 7/7/1916 

(Silver City) Mining Chronicle: 9/22/1881 to 9/29/1881

(Taos) El Bien Publico: 4/28/1911; 5/5/1911; 10/21/1921

(Taos) Cresset: 9/28/1899; 9/12/1901; 2/20/1902

(Taos) Heraldo de Taos: 11/27/1886; 3/10/1888 to 9/29/1888; 10/6/1888 to 12/15/1888

(Taos) Recorder: 1912-1914

Miscellaneous Roll #5

(Angostura) La Luz: 5/1900 to 10/1903

(Clovis) La Sesalpha: 9/27/1935 to 5/6/1938; 2/8/19406

(Espanola) La Luz: 1903 through 1908

(Fort Bayard) News: 1/1918 to 7/1919

(Harding County/Mosquero) Developer: 3/1922 to 1/1923; 10/6/1922 to 3/7/1930; 3/9/1934 to 3/24/1939 

Miscellaneous Roll #6

(Bernalillo) El Faro del Rio Grande: 5/14/1914 

(Golden) Retort: 4/20/1883 to 9/9/1884

(Santa Fe) Revista Illustrada: 3/31/1917 to 10/27/1917 

(Santa Fe) Southwestern Catholic: 10/14/1921 to 1/13/1922

(Santa Rosa) Star: 1/30/1902 to 8/28/1902

(Silver City) Grant County Democrat: 11/13/1897 to 1/29/1899

(Socorro) El Republicano: 1/26/1901 to 8/1/1903 

(Taos) County Republican: 10/18/1904 to 2/25/1905

(Wagon Mound) Arrow Pioneer: 3/28/1888



Miscellaneous Roll #7

(Las Vegas) La Voz Del Pueblo: 12/27/1919 to 7/23/1921 (Miscellaneous Roll #14; 1/30/1892 to 1/18/1919; 11/30/1912, 12/20/1919)

(Taos) El Crepusculo:  8/6/1948; 3/30/1950; 4/6/1950 to 3/3/1960 

Miscellaneous Roll #8

(San Acacia) El Comercio: 7/11/1901 to 9/12/1901 

Miscellaneous Roll #9

(Tularosa) Tularosa Basin Tribune: 11/1/1990 to 2/20/1991

(Bayard) Journal: 9/22/1949

(Carlsbad) Morning Sun: 5/31/1923

(Las Cruces) Democrat: 12/31/1911

(Las Cruces) Dona Ana County Republican: 3/4/1899, 7/7/1899; 10/27/1899

(Las Cruces) Eco Del Valle: 1914, 1917

(Las Cruces) Estrella: 1917-1918; 1934-1936

(Las Cruces) Gacetta Popular 5/16/1919

(Las Cruces) Independent Democrat: 1/13/1892, 10/26/1898

(Las Cruces) Mesilla Valley Bulletin: 11/11/1932-11/25/1938

(Mesilla) Defensor del Pueblo 8/30/1890 to 12/20/1890

(Mesilla) Weekly Times: 7/15/1867

(Roswell) Record 1/8/1892; 5/4/1894 to 12/31/1901; 5/14/1904 to 12/31/1909   

(Ruidoso) Herald: 7/30/1932

(Socorro) Defensor del Pueblo: 5/21/1941 to 2/2/1945 

(White Oaks) Old Abe Eagle: 5/30/1895-6/27/1895 

Miscellaneous Roll #10

(Clayton) La Union Del Pueblo: 1/3/1913 to 10/13/1917

(Mills) Developer: 5/6/1921 to 5/27/1921, (Miscellaneous Roll #3; 1/4/1918 to 1/14/1921)

(Mora) County Star: 12/11/1980 to 4/30/1981

(Santa Rosa) La Nueva Estrella: 8/1/1913 to 10/16/1914

(Socorro) Heraldo 5/4/1917 to 12/23/1920; 5/4/1917-4/11/1919

(Wagon Mound) El Combate:  6/2/1917 to 6/21/1919

Miscellaneous Roll #11

(Santa Fe) Capital: 6/2/1900 to 4/11/1903

(Santa Rosa) La Voz Publica: 11/22/1918 to 12/26/1919  (Miscellaneous Roll #1; 6/1/1917 to 11/15/1918) 

Miscellaneous Roll #12

(Cloudcroft) Mountain Orbit: 5/22/1970 to 3/19/1971

(Lake Arthur) Times: 5/10/1908

(Portales) Roosevelt County Courier: 7/28/1973 to 7/3/1974

(Roswell) Weekly Star: 8/16/1917-12/20/1917; 1/3/1918 to 10/30/1919; 11/6/1919 to 3/11/1920

(Tularosa) Basin Times:  4/24/1958

(Tularosa) Democrat: 1/1/1903 to 10/6/1904; 4/18-25/1909 & 9/12/1909

Miscellaneous Roll #13

(Albuquerque) La Estrella Mejicana: 10/11/1890

(Las Vegas) La Cachipporrita: 1/24/1881; 10/8/1890-10/28/1890

(Las Vegas) El Clarin Mexicano:  10/30/1890

(Las Vegas) Democrat: 5/10/1890-10/25/1890

(Santa Fe) La Voz Del Pueblo: 2/2/1889 to 1/24/1891

Miscellaneous Roll #14

(Albuquerque) La Opinion Publica: 7/17/1886 to 12/25/1886; 7/7/1906 to 1914

(Las Vegas) La Voz Del Pueblo: 1/30/1892 to 1/18/1919; 11/30/1912, 12/20/1919; (Miscellaneous Roll #7 12/27/1919 to 7/23/1921)

(Taos) El Monitor: 1890-1891

Miscellaneous Roll #15

(Aztec) Independent: 1/26/1917 to 10/18/1918 & 2/20/1920

(Belen) News: 1/2/1913 to 3/27/1947; 1/11/1917 to 10/11/1917

(Belen) Tribune: 9/5/1908 to 12/16/1911

(Cimarron) News & Press: 1/10/1907 to 10/31/190

Miscellaneous Roll #16

(Clayton) El Fenix: 7/7/1906-10/24/1914; 1908, 1913 

(Estancia) News Herald: 2/2/1912 to 12/21/1950; 1/7/1926 to 12/29/1927

(San Marcial) San Marcial Bee: 4/29/1893; 1/26/1901 to 9/17/1904

(Tucumcari) Pathfinder: 4/26/1902 to 8/30/1902

Miscellaneous Roll #17

(Albuquerque) La Bandera Americana: 9/29/1900; 8/3/1901 to 8/25/1905; 9/3/1920; 9/10/1920 to 8/5/1938; 10/9/1936 to 11/11/1938

(Estancia) Las Nuevas De Estancia: 3/28/1908 to 4/3/1908

(Estancia) News: 11/15/1907 to 1/26/1912