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Native American Boarding Schools: Boarding School Records

Girls at Isleta Day School in a tug of war, Albuquerque, New Mexico

Microfilm Collections at the New Mexico State Library

National Archives Microfilm Collections at New Mexico State Library

Bureau of Indian Affairs records created by the Santa Fe Indian School 1890-1918. 38 reels of microfilm (Record Group 75.20.36) Available at the New Mexico State Library (microfilm #M1473)

Superintendents' Annual Narrative and Statistical Reports from Field Jurisdictions of the Bureau of Indian Affairs, 1907-1938. The New Mexico State Library holds 25 reels from this collection (Record Group 75.14.8, microfilm #M1011)

Miscellaneous Letters Sent by the Pueblo Indian Agency, 1874-1891 10 reels of microfilm are held at the New Mexico State Library (Record Group 75.19.83, microfilm #M941)

Letters Received by the Office of Indian Affairs, 1824-1880 The New Mexico State Library holds 37 reels from this collection (Record Group 75.4, microfilm # M234)

Reports of Inspections of the Field Jurisdictions of the Office of Indian Affairs, 1873-1900 The New Mexico State Library holds 9 reels from this microfilm collection (Record Groups: 48.5.4, 75.15, 75.19, microfilm #M1070)

Records of the New Mexico Superintendency, 1849-1880. The New Mexico State Library holds 30 reels of microfilm from this collection (Record Group 75.15.9, microfilm #T21)

Bureau of Indian Affairs Schools in New Mexico

New Mexico

Links to National Archives collections

1886-1964   Albuquerque Indian School (National Archives at Denver)
1926-1949 Charles H. Burke Indian School/Wingate Vocational High School (National Archives at Denver)
1935-1959 McCarty Indian Day School under the Albuquerque Area Office (National Archives at Denver)
1944-1957 Mesita Indian Day School under the Albuquerque Area Office   (National Archives at Denver)
1950-1958 Nenahnezad Boarding School under the Northern Navajo Agency (National Archives at Denver)
1924-1958 Paguate Indian Day School under the Albuquerque Area Office (National Archives at Denver)
1911-1914 Pueblo Day Schools at Albuquerque (National Archives at Denver)
1911-1912 Pueblo Day Schools at Santa Fe (National Archives at Denver)
1954-1966 San Juan Boarding School (National Archives at Denver)
1890-1951 Santa Fe Indian School (National Archives at Denver)
1944-1952 Shiprock Boarding School under the Northern Navajo Agency (National Archives at Denver)
1971-1981 Southwestern Indian Polytechnic Institute(National Archives at Denver)
1941-1952 Toadlena Day School under the Navajo Agency (National Archives at Denver)
1906-1911 Zuni Boarding School (National Archives at Denver)

Bureau of Catholic Indian Missions Records


Marquette Univerisity
BUREAU OF CATHOLIC INDIAN MISSIONS RECORDS (Black and Indian Mission Office) [1833-ongoing]

The Bureau of Catholic Indian Missions is the largest of three record groups within the Bureau of Catholic Indian Missions Records and the oldest of three affiliated agencies in the Black and Indian Mission Office (Washington, D.C.). Through advocacy and fundraising, the BCIM has supported Catholic evangelization and schools for Native Americans in the United States and dependent territories, 1874-present. Its holdings contain correspondence, reports, photography, publications, audio and video recordings, government documents, and websites, which it created and/or collected.

The Bureau of Catholic Indian Missions was created in 1874 as the Office of the Commissioner for Catholic Indian Missions to protect, promote, and administer the Native American mission interests of the Catholic Church in the United States. In so doing, it promoted fund raising and advocacy for Catholic Native American missions and also contributed to advocacy for Native American social and cultural issues in general.