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Vertical Files Index: K


Kabbaz, Demetrie
Kabotie, Fred
Kahlo, Frida
Kahn Family
Kane, Mark
Kaneko, Jun
Kapp, Phyllis
Kappel-Smith, Diana
Karinsky, Stephen S.
Kaskalla, Lela
            SEE: Indians – Pueblos – Nambe, Indians Organizations
Kauffman, Kelly
Kaufman, Brude (judge)
Kaune Family
            SEE: Businesses – Kaune’s
Kautz, August V.
Kaye, Edwin Art
Kearny, Stephen Watts
Keeganis, Marcia
Keener, Anna
Kehoe, Linda
Kelcher, William A.
Keleher, Will A.
Keller, Tim
Kelley, Ramon
Kelly, Daniel T.
Kelly, Matt, M.D.
Kelly, Paul Jr.
Kelton, Elmer
Kemm, Carlos
Kendall, George W.
Kennedy, David Michael
Kennedy, Stephen (Rep.)
Kennedy Family visits
Kenney, John Jr. and Bergere
Kent, Kate Peck
Kenton, Kathryn
Kern, Richard
Kerr, Robert
Kerr, Vernon N.
Kessell, John L.
Kessler, Clara and son
            SEE: Businesses – Kessler Family
Ketchum, Black Jack
Kettlewell, Dick
Khalsa, Harbhajan Singh (Yogi Bhajan)
Killam, William
Kincaid, Clarence E. Dr.
King Juan Carlos of Spain
            SEE: Juan Carlos I and Sofia
King, Alice
King, Bruce
King, Clinton and Narcissa Swift
King, David
King, Don L.
King, Eleanor
King, Gary
King, Mary Eades – Scottie
King, Troy
Kino, Father Eusbio Francisco
Kinslow, Paul
Kirby, John T.
Kirker, James
Kloeppel, Richard J.
Klonis, Evangelos
Klopfer, Lee
Kloss, Gene
Knapp, Kay Witherspoon
Knee, Ernest
Knowles, James M.
Knox, Grace
Koch, Jamie
Koller, James
Komis, John
Konopak, Lothar
Kotny, Pawel
Kozikowski, Janusz and Nancy
Kramer, James
Kramer, Kathryn
Krebs, Peter
Kreidel, Norbert
Kriegstein, Zara
            SEE: Murals
Kruger, W.C.
Kuhler, Otto
Kulbacki, Susan
Kuppers, Peter
Kuykendall, Mable
Kyte, Frances Bear