How do you submit an ILL request?
**Independent researchers must contact a Reference Librarian to submit requests. Libraries and State Employees see below.**
Interlibrary Loan requests are submitted electronically through our ILL website:
Login to your account, and fill out a "New Request" form. Then enter the item's citation information into the request form. The more information we have, the more successful we are in obtaining material.
What types of materials can be requested?
How long does it take to receive material?
**If you encounter trouble logging in or submitting requests please contact our Interlibrary Loan department at or at (505) 476-9716.
If your library wants to request an item again, please wait until 3 months after the previous request's due date.
For example: If the item was due 3/26/2022 and returned you should not request the item again until 6/26/2022 at the earliest.
Frequent and repeated request for the same item is not allowed. ILL is intended for short-term collection augmentations, not to replace collection development. Following this practice ensures that libraries are not ceaselessly lending one item to one library.
Some items may be difficult to obtain via ILL, such as:
Never hesitate to make a request for these items, just be aware that sometimes there may not be a lender willing/able to share these items.
For more info on the Interlibrary Loan Code for the United States visit this site.