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Access to Justice: Civil Law

Access to Justice topics and resources with information provided by the Legal Services and Programs Committee of the State Bar of New Mexico.

New Mexico Civil Legal Service Providers

The New Mexico Commission on Access to Justice works with civil legal service providers in New Mexico to help people who may need civil legal assistance or information about resources. The civil legal services providers help low-income New Mexicans meet health, safety, education, housing, child custody and financial stability essential needs.

Online Legal Resources and Providers

This list is intended for community organizations interested in helping potential litigants find assistance with legal problems. It does not provide legal advice. We recommend that persons facing legal problems obtain assistance from an attorney, if possible. Many individuals choose to represent themselves, sometimes with limited help from an attorney.

The Legal Service Providers listed offer free or low-cost services to clients, usually dependent on their income level. Guidelines are often based on a percentage of the Federal Poverty Level, typically 125% or 200%. Many persons who do not qualify for free assistance still cannot afford to pay an attorney, and therefore must either seek an attorney whose assistance is not based on those guidelines or plan to proceed Pro Se, that is, as a Self-Represented Litigant (SRL).

Contact at least one Legal Service Provider to get an initial review of your situation and eligibility for free assistance. The Access to Justice Commission is engaged in several projects intended to improve access to justice in New Mexico. This document will be updated as changes are made, and new versions will become available at:

The Access to Justice Commission also sponsored the development of the comprehensive Referral Resource Manual of Civil Legal Services by Disability Rights New Mexico, a detailed source document for legal service providers and the services they provide at civil-legal-service-providers/

New Mexico Civil Legal Service Providers

Civil Law