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Annual Report and State Grants-in-Aid Application for Public Libraries: Getting Started

A guide for New Mexico public libraries to refer to when completing the Annual Report and State Grants-in-Aid Application

Getting Started

Each year, the Annual Report opens on July 1 and closes mid-August.

Using a preferred web browser (Firefox, Chrome, Edge, Safari), access Bibliostat Collect and login using the library’s username and password.

  • Click Start Survey next to the current year’s NM Public Library Annual Report.
    • Be aware of the 90-minute timeout period (information is saved when session times out).
  • Federal questions appear in NAVY font, while State questions appear in BLACK font. This helps differentiate which tab to use when a detailed note  is required.
    • Navy font question - leave detailed note in the Federal tab / Black font question - leave detailed note in the State tab.
    • Bibliostat defaults to the Federal tab.
  • Click SAVE before navigating to the next page.
    • This is useful in case something happens to the Internet service, etc.
    • Many auto totals will only calculate once SAVE is selected. It may also require that you navigate to another page after hitting SAVE
  • Using the SHOW LAST YEAR’S ANSWERS (upper right of survey) feature while completing the survey may be useful.
    • IF current year data is significantly different from previous year data, or is very similar, a detailed note must be entered in the applicable note tab (Federal or State, see bullet 2 above).
  • To view any notes left in the previous year, click the NOTE icon and select the PREVIOUS YEAR tab.
  • View the library’s Survey List, Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ), and Instructions, using the navigation bar toward the top of the page.
    • The Show Status tab is useful to review any Edit Checks, Unanswered Questions, and Flagged Questions.
    • The Print icon allows printing of the entire survey or printing of a selected section in PDF or HTML format. There is an option to print with or without the current year’s data, and with or without the previous year’s data. Annotation Reports can also be printed to review notes left on questions.
  • When returning to the survey, click Continue.


IMPORTANT: Data entered for FY24 must ONLY cover library business and activities from July 1, 2023 - June 30, 2024.

  • The New Mexico State Library (NMSL) participates in the national Public Library Survey (PLS) operated by the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS) and compiled by the American Institute for Research (AIR).
  • The data collected is used at various levels for planning, evaluating, and budgeting.
  • Federally required questions appear in NAVY font and State required questions appear in BLACK font. This helps when it is necessary to leave detailed notes . Federal questions (NAVY font) must have notes entered under the FEDERAL tab, while State questions (BLACK font) must have notes entered under the STATE tab.
  • Better known as the Annual Report, the PLS serves as the State Grants-in-Aid application for recognized New Mexico Public Libraries.
  • State grants-in-aid eligibility is determined using the 4.5.2 New Mexico Administrative Code (NMAC). Data entered must be accurate and based on records maintained by the library director and local financial officials.
  • While navigating the survey, click the gray  circle to see the specifics of what each question is asking. Once clicked, a pop-up box will appear with the corresponding definition/instructions.
  • Adherence to these definitions is important comparability of data from other public libraries in New Mexico as well as libraries in others states and territories.
  • Click SHOW LAST YEAR'S ANSWERS to have LAST YEAR'S ANSWERS appear below the text box.
  • Using an estimate is important IF exact data is not available. If an exact figure is not available, but it is known that the total is greater than zero, enter an educated estimate and leave a detailed note indicating how the estimate was determined.
  • Enter N/A if an exact figure or estimate is not available.
  • ONLY enter "0" if the answer is truly zero or none.
  • As information is entered, if a response is vastly different from the previous year or if using an educated estimate, please enter a detailed note in the corresponding FEDERAL or STATE tab explaining the reason, etc.
  • Providing detailed and relevant notes  is extremely helpful and appreciated. Click PREVIOUS YEAR in the Note feature to view the previous year's note (if one was left).
  • Inputting notes that do not reflect the information being asked or a presented edit check issue is not acceptable.

Email State Data Coordinator Carmelita Aragon at with any questions about the survey contents.

For Technical questions or issues/errors while accessing the survey in Bibliostat CollectConnect, please call Product Support at 1-866-785-9935.