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Annual Report and State Grants-in-Aid Application for Public Libraries: Finalizing & Submitting Survey

A guide for New Mexico public libraries to refer to when completing the Annual Report and State Grants-in-Aid Application

Finalizing Survey


When clicking the Submit button, Bibliostat Collect does 3 things:

  1. Checks and lists any unanswered questions. NOTE: Unanswered/Blank questions are acceptable if the library is not a tribal public library (Section K) and/or does not have any eligible library branches (Section L). There is no need to enter N/A or 0.
  2. Reviews all Edit Checks and flagged questions to ensure they have been corrected and/or that an applicable note (Federal or State) was entered.
  3. Once finalized, Bibliostat Collect locks the survey so the integrity of the data is protected.


  • Bibliostat Collect will not allow submission of the survey until all required/applicable questions are answered and all edit checks are adequately addressed.
  • Click on Show Status to review any Edit Checks, Unanswered Questions and/or Flagged Questions.
  • Once all questions have been reviewed and answered (if applicable), the survey is ready to submit.
    • It is highly recommended that you print and/or save a copy before hitting submit.
  • If access to the library’s survey is needed after submission, contact the State Data Coordinator at the New Mexico State Library for assistance.
    • View a printable copy of the current and previous year's submitted survey by logging in, clicking Survey List and selecting the survey print icon.

Edit Checks

  • Edit Checks alert to responses that are not within set parameters when compared to state or national norms. When viewing these edit checks after selecting SHOW STATUS, the edit checks are in RED font.
  • Edit checks only appear if the data entered is outside a specified range.
    • The question will appear with the reason in RED and will ask for review.
    • Notes left must clearly address the issue.
  • If the data is incorrect, simply correct the data in the entry box.
  • If the edit check is on a question with an automatic total and the figure is wrong, the data must be changed in the corresponding question(s). The questions related to auto totals are found in parentheses.
  • Once the data is within a specified range (after clicking Save), the edit check will disappear and/or a GREEN check mark will appear next to the edit check.
  • If the data in the entry box is correct, leave a detailed note using the note icon to annotate the response. 
    • Notes should be specific and clearly reflect the edit check issue.
    • When noting a correct response using the note icon and after clicking Save, a GREEN check mark will appear next to the RED edit check message.
    • If the GREEN check mark does not appear, ensure the note was left in the correct note tab (NAVY font = FEDERAL tab, BLACK font = STATE tab).
  • To get back into the survey, click Return to my Survey.

Unanswered Questions

  • If any required/applicable questions remain unanswered, simply enter the missing data, so long as it is necessary to enter information, i.e., Section K should only have information entered if the library is a tribal public library. The branches questions in Section L should only have information entered if the library maintains an eligible library branch.
  • Question M04 sometimes will not save a note left while viewing the survey in SHOW STATUS mode. Rather than leave the note in SHOW STATUS mode, go back to the survey itself to leave and save the note.

Flagged Questions

  • Use the flag feature to revisit a question after gathering more information.
  • To view the list of flagged questions, click SHOW STATUS and select Flagged Questions.
  • When the question has been addressed adequately, re-click the flag icon to unmark the question.

Submitting the Survey

  • Once the survey has been successfully submitted, you should see a Congratulations message. If you do not see a Congratulations message it means the survey was not submitted. Check for and update any issues and try to submit again. Repeat this process until you see a Congratulations message.